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Area Law Enforcement and Retailers Team

Shelby County Sheriff's Office
Memphis, Tennessee 38103
Office Phone:  (901) 222-5450

This web site has been established to create a medium for relaying and exchanging information between retailers and law enforcement agencies in an effort to curb economic crime in our communities and across the Nation. It is accessible, upon approval by its administrators, to upper level retail investigators and law enforcement personnel.

The A.L.E.R.T. program was designed and originated in Memphis, Tennessee through the cooperation of major retailers and the Shelby County Sheriff's Office. Since its inception, this program has expanded its membership to include banking institutions, postal inspectors, state and federal law agencies such as the F.B.I., Secret Service, and U.S.Customs, private security agencies, investigators, Home Builders, Cargo Industry, Commercial Property Groups, and others. Other cities across the nation are now setting up their own A.L.E.R.T. programs and are participating on this web page to create a national network for sharing information as well as establishing contacts in other cities to assist in investigations that may lead out of their jurisdictional area.

If you are in the Memphis, TN area, call your tips into the Alert Tip Line at 901-222-5450 or email them to alerttips@shelby-sheriff.org